13 mars 2010

Adieu camarade

Jean Ferrat Camarade
envoyé par Brel12. - Clip, interview et concert.

Jean Ferrat est mort ce 13 mars 2010 à l'hôpital d'Aubenas...

Adieu ami, et merci

Internet censorship in New Zealand

Government Internet Censorship Begins In  New Zealand.

Its government  has implemented an internet filter by  urging the leading ISPs in the country to adopt the measure, in a move that would give the authorities the power to restrict whichever websites they see fit.

The New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) reportedly turned on the internet filter on Feb 1st without making any announcement,


6 mars 2010

Batata OGM (genéticamente modificada)

Eles decidem por nós do que é bom para a nossa saúde!... Eles, são os funcionários da UE, que fazem esta política ultra-capitalista, sem tomar em conta o ser humano....

Petição a favor dos presos políticos em Cuba

Caros Amigos,

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